Climate Commitment

Take the carbon out of your shipment

Keď ste vybrali carbon-neutral shipping, budete efektívne eliminovať emisie carbonu z vášho order shipping.

Here's how it works. We partner s obchodnou platformou Shopify to estimate our shipping emissions. The money we receive is used to pay for carbon removal credits from a network of vetted carbon removal partnerov.

V addition to nosuring carbon-neutral shipping on your order, vaše contribution helps scale vitally dôležité technológie, ktoré plnia carbon z atmosféry a lock it away.

Let's meet niekoľko spoločností removing our shipping emissions.

Grassroots Carbon

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Grassroots Carbon helps ranchers modify land management practices to improve soil a ecological health, which captures and stores more carbon in soil.

Masť Reforestation

Drones over a forest
Masť Reforestation kombinuje provence practices with new technology to regrow healthy, resilient, climate-adapted forests lost to wildfires. Masťové služby zahŕňajú seed collection, seedling cultivation, reforestation services, a financovanie založené na vysokokvalitných karbónových náhradných kreditov.